Southern California School of Floral Design - Phil Rulloda

School Location and Facility




Phone: (714) 776-7445

Operating Schedule
Instruction Hours: 9:00am to 4:00pm, Monday – Friday during scheduled classes

Consult the Schedule of Courses for specific class dates. Students will be advised of probable starting dates at the time of enrolling.

Important scheduling information (operating hours, holidays, vacations, class schedules and revisions of them) will be announced to students in advance.

Classes are not offered the holiday weeks of Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.


School Facility
The Southern California School of Floral Design offers classes and workshops in Santa Ana, California, inside the facilities of MELLANO & CO., a nationally known flower grower and floral wholesale operation. The classroom area is approximately 400 square feet, with sufficient class area for 14 students. Work tables are unconventional in height because students design in a standing position. Convenient parking is available at the facility.


Mailing Address

Southern California School of Floral Design
1519 E. Chapman Ave. #356
Fullerton, CA 92831

Local Hotels

We offer complimentary transportation to and from hotels located at the HOTEL TERRACE area of Santa Ana to our class facility during scheduled courses. Students wishing to to take advantage of this service should notify us at least seven (7) days prior to the start of the class. For a complete list of the hotels in the Hotel Terrace, please call or email us.  This group of hotels is conviently located near the Santa Ana/John Wayne Airport (SNA).

Enrollment Policies

Note: If you are registering for a course we encourage you to print these documents for your records.

Enrollment Requirements
Students may enroll up to seven days prior to the beginning of each school session.

Enrollment Prerequisites
To be admitted to the Floral Design Course a student need no prior experience in the field of floriculture. Advance Floral Designer, Advance Wedding Designer and Special Event/Decor Designer classes require previous professional design experience in a retail floral operation or completion of a basic design course.

Granting of Academic Credit
Due to the unique nature of these courses and instruction, its intensity and the importance of continuity, no credit towards completion is granted for previous experience or training.

Attendance Requirements
Students are expected to attend classes as scheduled as they would be expected to be present for work. Absences and tardiness will be recorded.

The school requires minimum attendance of at least 70% of all class hours. A student who misses 30% or more of the total class hours will be considered as having made unsatisfactory progress and will be dismissed. Students who are tardy for more than 40% of class days will also be deemed unsatisfactory and dismissed.

Make-up class work must be arranged by the student with the individual instructor.

Progress System
The progress or grading system by which our students can be evaluated and compared with others taking same course may be system reported as: Pass/Fail, or Excellent, Average, Unsatisfactory and Incomplete.

Each design will be reviewed and inspected for technical correctness and sale ability at the retail level. Students who meet these requirements will be deemed “satisfactory”. Students who fail to meet these requirements will be given counseling towards improving these deficiencies. A student who fail after said counseling will be deemed “unsatisfactory” and will not receive a Certificate of Completion.

Students must complete each unit of study with satisfactory progress to receive a Certificate of Completion.

Student Conduct Policy
At the discretion of the school administrator, a student may be dismissed from the school for serious incident or repeated incidents of an intoxicated or drugged state of behavior, possession of drugs or alcohol upon school premises, possession of weapons upon school premises, behavior creating a safety hazard to other persons at school, disobedient or disrespectful behavior to another student, and administrator, or faculty member, or any other stated or determined infraction of conduct.

Records Retention
Enrollees are advised and cautioned that state law requires this educational institution to maintain school and student records for only a five year period.

Placement Assistance
Known vacancies in the field will be posted on the central bulletin board. Some companies may contact this institution for candidates for employment. While this institution will provide placement assistance, it can make no guarantee for employment.


Refund Policy

The institution shall advise each student that any notification of cancellation and any request for a refund are required to be made in writing prior to or on the first day of instruction.

Once purchased, books, tools and other materials are the property of the student. This school does not accept material returns and makes no refunds for materials.

Three-Day Full Refund Period
An enrollee may cancel enrollment within three working days following enrollment and receive a refund of all monies paid, provided no classes have been attended.

Refund Policy for Tuition and Other Fees
The student has a right to a full refund of all charges less the amount of up to $200.00 for the Registration Fee if this agreement is canceled prior to, or on, the first day of instruction. In addition, the student may withdraw from a course after instruction has started and receive a pro-rata refund of the unused portion of the tuition and other refundable charges of he or she has completed 50% or less of the instruction.

If a student withdraws upon completion of 50% or more of the contracted instructional program, the student shall be obligated for the ful tuition charged for the entire instruction program and shall not be entitled to a refund.

For example, if a student completes only 30 hours of a 90 hour course and paid $300.00 tuition, the student could receive a refund of $200.00.


amount paid for instruction 


60 class hours of instruction paid for but not received. 90 clock hours for which the student has paid.


$200.00 refund amount


If the school cancels or discontinues a course or educational program, the school will make a full refund of charges. Refunds will be paid within 30 days of cancellation or withdrawal.